The meanderings and mindset of a 62 years young woman who is still trying to find her way.

Friday, April 14, 2006


I have been very lax in not keeping this little blog up. I apologize for that. I am going to Columbus, Ohio this weekend to visit my dad who is in an assisted living facility there. Most of our family will be there. We don't get together all that often because we are spread all over the country. My brother from Brazil will not be there of course but most of the rest of us. I have 5 brothers and sisters and enjoy seeing most of them. I will post some pictures and information when I return. I want to wish all of you a special Easter!


NorCalMrs said...

I hope you guys have a great time in Ohio. Wish I could be there! :)

RaeRae said...

Mom you have 4 siblings 5 with you included ;)