The meanderings and mindset of a 62 years young woman who is still trying to find her way.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Money, Money, Money

You have probably all noticed the Adsense link on my website. It is a phenominal Google program that allows you to choose ads for your website and to earn money while blogging. What more could you ask for. You can choose the ad content, size and type by going to the Adsense site. This also is a great learning experience for any of you who are interested in building websites. I can't recommend this enough. Everything worth doing is worth doing well, so why not make some ching by clicking on my link to Adsense.


NorCalMrs said...

Such a salesman all of a sudden. ;)

Red Rover said...

Ka-ching, Ka-ching, get on the bandwagon.