The meanderings and mindset of a 62 years young woman who is still trying to find her way.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Well I had thought that I would work until age 66 retirement age, but after today I say "Screw That". I am so sick of guys taking credit for the things that we oh so superior women do that I could scream. I researched a vendor at work and found one that was cheaper than anyone could believe and they thanked the guy next to me at our meeting for doing such a great job and he kept his mouth shut, do you believe it. Why should I try when I get no credit. My last job was a group of men who were secure enough that they actually thanked me when I contributed instead of not giving me any credit. Can you tell that I am pissed off. This is all new to me. I have always given credit where credit is due and would like that same respect at work.


NorCalMrs said...

That sucks. I'm sorry they didnt give you credit when you worked hard and deserved it. I used to get mad at stuff like that, but I realized that they will get theirs in the end, and that's all you can hang on to! Screw are better than that!! :)

mrs. A said...

Ugh, I hate when that happens. It sort of deflates you for a bit, but then I look at it as an opportunity to do a bigger and more spectacular job the second time around. Don't give up and know that you are appreciated by a lot of other people! :)