The meanderings and mindset of a 62 years young woman who is still trying to find her way.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Blast From the Past!

A lovely night out on the town!

Rachel and I took a nice walk down memory lane tonight by seeing "All Shook UP" on stage at the Orpheum Theater. At least memory lane for me, for Rachel it was history. She bought the tickets for me for Mother's Day and I loved it. I have always been a big Elvis fan and still love his music and that is what this show was based on. It was all about a hip swinging, motorcycle riding, stud muffin and the town that he woke up. It was very well done and had loads of talent. Thanks Rachel, what a great gift!!!!

1 comment:

NorCalMrs said...

Glad you had fun at the show. Hope you are having fun in Vegas. When you get back, it's time to update! :P