Above is the link to a phenomenal website that chronicles the plight of a pair of eagles nesting off of the Massachusett's coast in an unknown location. I have personally been watching this pair for 2 years. Last year they had a successful birth of two beautiful eaglets, a male and a female. Both successfully left the nest at maturity. This year the eagles again laid their eggs in early March and I was excited to await the new arrivals. Well, we all know what a crazy spring this was. I watched this mother sit on those eggs through snow, sleet, torrential rains, extreme wind and never waiver from her nest or her quest to take care of her eggs. The eaglets were born in early April successfully, than came the Noreaster storm that devastated the nest and regretfully took the life of the babies. I was so taken by the disappointment and what that mother bird had endured and in the end lost her babies. Now the eagles are coming back and forth to the nest (we all had hopes that they may nest again but we think it just took too much of a toll on her). They are beautiful birds to watch and to get a glimpse into the nest and these birds is amazing. There were times when I would watch her looking into that camera and wonder what she was thinking. It was almost as if she sensed the camera. Please take a moment to go to this link, there is also links to other nests. Be sure to read the blog and please donate if you are able. This is a worthy organization and will bring you hours of enjoyment and much education. Watching this process will change your whole perspective on nature, suffering and the majesty of these birds.
I've looked for 2 days now and nothing is there!! It's a cool idea though, so I'll keep checking back.
Hopefully they will show up although after losing the eaglets they may not be there much this year. Keep watching though because when they are there they are great to watch. I will forward you a video that I have that someone did shortly after the babies were lost. Check it out!
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