It is time to update my blog or get chastised from my daughter! It is spring, my favorite time of year! My life has been in turmoil and sometimes I feel like I am spinning out of control and then I look outside and see everything coming to life, the green lawns, the trees, flowers, the beautiful blue sky and it somewhat makes up for the chaos. I see the new life, the birds, the geese are parading around with their new babies in tow and it shows us how beautiful life can be even in difficult times. This has not been a good year for our family, I lost my dad on January 24th after a long battle with prostate cancer that turned into bladder cancer. He fought a valiant battle and loved life and never complained through years of discomfort. We laid him to rest and thought that life would normalize somewhat but then found out that my husband's PSA (the measuring of prostate cancer through a blood test) had become elevated and that he needed to have a biopsy done. We were very shocked to learn that he did indeed have cancer and thus the journey began. A few days after the surgery we got the pathology and were told that the cancer had spread to his lymph nodes and was more aggressive than 99% of prostate cancer. He has been off of work for a month and really doing very well other than the news of his disease. He will have more screening done on May 18th and we go see the oncologist on the 25th. We are trying to work through the overload of information and I will keep everyone informed as to how his treatment will go. We are now focused on trying to make life as normal as it can be under the circumstances. We plan on going about life as we always do and taking every day one step at a time. We have a great family and we will fight this disease and win! I really debated whether to bridge this subject on my blog but blogs are about life and this is my life now. This is an important issue and almost epidemic with men in their 50's and 60's so I will do what I can do to educate and bring this cancer to the forefront. Stay tuned................................
I sent you the link to the prostate cancer foundation where people can go donate,.....you should add it to your sidebar. If you need help, let me know and I can do it. it is true that this is life now, so we should be free to talk about it.
There is a show on Discovery on Sunday called Koppel: Living with Cancer about Ted Koppels friend. Looks interesting...I think he has brain cancer.
My only hesitation with that is that what is that research money going for? There has been no new treatment for Prostate Cancer for the last 20 years??? There is a lot of problems with doctors and researchers letting their big ego's get in the way of success! Just my thoughts. If I come up with a better organization I will let you know.
Mrs. W. I had no idea that this was happening!!! Ruthie only touched briefly on the subject, but I didn't know that it was Mr. W that was sick. My gosh! I hope the doctor's appointments went well. My uncle had surgery and radiation last year to remove his cancerous prostate and thankfully his treatment seems to be successful (he managed a trip to Vegas, so I guess he's feeling a lot better :) heh). Please give my best to Mr. W and you're all in my thoughts and prayers. -jen
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